
Defund the police is a slogan that doesn’t work | Letters - Tampa Bay Times

Barack Obama is not my hero | Column, Dec. 16

Go to marketing class

The writer, a 20-year-old college student, says former President Barack Obama is out of touch with young progressives. He also criticized him for rejecting “snappy slogans” like “Defund the police,” “because it isn’t marketable to others.” This 70-year-old Black man would suggest, while this young man is in school, he take a course in marketing, where there is a saying that, if you have to explain your image, tagline or slogan, it’s a bad image, tagline or slogan. It puts you in a position of arguing semantics rather than policies or issues. An incendiary battle cry like “Defund the police” is a good example.

Joseph Brown, Tampa

Adopting a pet?

A pet is a responsibility

During the holiday season, people often consider adding a new dog or cat to their family. A smart consumer will do their research into which breed is a good fit for their family in terms of size and energy level. A pet is a lifetime commitment that could span 10 to 15 years, not a seasonal item returned when the puppy grows up or the kids get bored.

The best places to look for a pet are our local rescue groups and our county shelters. Adopting a pet from a local rescue group is two good deeds in one, because not only are you supporting a local charity, the adoption fee will help save another animal from a kill shelter.

I urge people to not buy a puppy from a pet store, because these animals come from notorious puppy mills, which are commercial breeding operations that continuously breed animals with little or no regard for the animals’ health in order to maintain a low overhead and maximize profits. This is why almost 70 local governments in Florida have passed laws to ban the retail sale of puppies, according to the Animal Legal Defense Fund. The time spent researching what type of dog and where to go to get a dog will help ensure that you have years of wonderful memories with your pet.

Melissa Zepeda, St. Petersburg

Irresponsible inaction in the face of surge | Editorial, Dec. 15

What would be fortunate

What is unfortunate for Florida is Ron DeSantis as governor. Under his watch, Florida became one of only three states to exceed one million COVID-19 infections. Worse yet, more than 20,000 Floridians have died from the disease. Meanwhile, DeSantis rejects local requirements for masks and social distancing. Instead, DeSantis has embraced herd immunity, an approach rejected by almost every public health expert. He has opened everything and banned local governments from enforcing protective measures.

This week, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced that Florida is on the verge of entering a red zone classification. That’s not great for tourism. And does DeSantis reach out to help those who have lost their job? They know the answer as they wait in line at community food banks. What truly would be fortunate for Floridians would be for DeSantis to resign and move his sorry self to Mar-a-Lago.

Robert Stahr, Parrish

Push for Puerto Rico statehood | Column, Dec. 17

How will this help us?

Why should American voters support statehood for Puerto Rico? What’s the benefit? What are the tax implications? What about all of the other United States territories or protectorates? Going down this path neither provides any benefits to current states nor addresses the desire of residents of Puerto Rico to become a state. Puerto Ricans have U.S. citizenship and receive U.S. government support and funding. Four out of the past five votes for statehood by Puerto Rican voters rejected statehood for the island.

Ken Gagliano, Clearwater

Is Florida’s massive toll roads project destined to crash? | Editorial, Nov. 29

Repeal the roads

I am very concerned about the status of the M-CORES toll roads and the latest attempt to steamroll and pave over Florida. This boondoggle will only hurt our tourism and agricultural businesses, but it will also produce a massive financial burden on the state of Florida.

The global pandemic has caused a significant economic downturn for our state, meaning that we will have billions less in our state budget than in previous years. It is critical to use those dollars on critical state needs and not these roads to ruin. Even more upsetting is Gov. Ron DeSantis’ failure to listen to the 93 percent of public comments opposed to M-CORES and reverse direction on these roads to ruin. If we move forward with building these corridors, it will re-direct traffic bypassing small businesses in rural Florida, furthering financial hardships on already cash-strapped municipalities.

DeSantis ran on protecting our state’s water resources, and he should keep that campaign promise. We need to keep our drinking water safe rather than constructing roads that will harm aquifer recharge. I say don’t build M-CORES and urge DeSantis and legislators to repeal the roads this legislative session.

Christine Bamberger, Indialantic

Silence would have been better | Editorial, Dec. 16

Truth and integrity count

Dear U.S. Rep. Gus Bilirakis: The U.S. Supreme Court, multiple state supreme courts, Republican appointed judges, Republican elected state officials and the U.S. Attorney General confirmed no election conspiracy. How far are you willing to go before you show some bold leadership and get off the President Donald Trump train to the destruction of the Republican party and undermining of democracy? You may think your signing on the frivolous Texas lawsuit endeared you to your party leadership and the soon-to-be former president. The reality is, these folks have short memories when you come asking for support. As a 40-year-resident of your district, your actions are disappointing. The greatest value to you and the voters would have been if you sat on the sidelines. Truth and integrity count.

Bob Clifford, Tarpon Springs

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December 20, 2020 at 05:48PM

Defund the police is a slogan that doesn’t work | Letters - Tampa Bay Times
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